Weekly meeting on Xboxes
Xboxes weekly meeting. 28.02.2024
Attending: Paz Alonso Arias (PAA), Chiara Marrelli (CM), Matteo Volpi (MV), Walter Wuensch (WW), Alexei Grudiev (AG), Igor Syratchev (IS), Ping Wang (PW), Riccardo Boldrini (RB), Zaib Un Nisa (ZN), Lee Millar (LM), Anisullah Baig (AB), Nuria Catalan Las Heras (NClH)
Xbox2. PAA summarises events of XBOX2.
· BDR not going down after running flat during weekend
· BDR above 2e-4 on Saturday. Reduced DUT setpoint
· Modulator interlock- current interlock switch unit2 (same as in summer)
IS says it seems we have reached limit. Indeed, for Structure A we could not run further than 45MW. WW, AG say we may need to run flat longer before running conclusions about BDR.
PAA comments about BD count in Labview, LM suggests changing window to measure of BDs.
Showing some pulses, we realized that log interlock for PKR may not be working properly, as not flag was up. PAA confirms thresholds are ok, but some pulses with high PKR are not detected as breakdown. IS says it could be radiation from pulse compressor.
IS asks PAA to show next time vacuum as well to identify events.
Planned for following week, experiment to confirm PW simulations. IS asks about pulse configuration, PAA confirms she will change back to nominal pulse of 200ns and at lower power to protect structures. PW says he does not need high power for this test. AG comments how correction cavities were made for this pulse compressor, not for the BOC.
PW we don’t have full analysis of system, he is using very ideal model, not based on experimental results. He needs to integrate into the system the response of klystron. IS comments phase and amplitude measurements already will give us the klystron response. (When you flip phase you expect some behaviour but klystron changes this). IS says to Read input pulse in amplitude and use it as signal for simulations.
AG comments not many things documented, this experiment is good to validate simulations confronting it with measurements. Validate PC for CLIC. Systematically take measurements and document it.
WW asks PAA to keep running with normal configuration when not doing this experiment. Back off a little bit if BDR does not go down.
LM not here next week, PAA and PW will wait for him.
XBOX3 HEK. CM comments on difficulty of measurements. Either we melt klystron or measure it. We can increase rep rate. Right now, 4us flat top.
PAA comments how flow changes, not very stable. IS, AG say maybe ask people from water station to know how this works. NClH comments water station is too powerful for small load, if we reduce flow, it becomes unstable.
WW repeats we need heat load for calibrate. PAA will try to find a heater, as suggested byWW. NClH thinks there will be more questions than answers. PAA confirms we only have a chiller connected to load, but not collector.
IS says to start at 200 Hz, and use waveform from oscilloscope to integrate. CM feels that integrating pulse is not going to fix much, seeing flow variations.
Melbox. MV notifies they started pulsing and conditioning line. He will send email to NClH for contract, some changes needed.